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Our fallible thinking

Humans are fascinating. Research shows that human thinking and behaviour isn’t as objective and rational as we’d like to believe. Most of our thinking occurs unconsciously and we are continuously affected by our environment. To enable us to make decisions in a complex environment, our brain makes use of mental shortcuts and uses cues from the environment. Which sometimes leads us astray...

In the words of Dan Ariely, we are "predictably irrational", prone to cognitive bias. Bias affects not only individuals, but also the processes in organisations. It negatively affects joint decision-making, change and collaboration.

Research points out up to 25% of resources in organisations is lost due to cognitive bias!

At Human Insight, we specialise in human behaviour. We show you in which situations bias will be present and we teach you to recognise patterns. By being aware of the biases we all have, you will be able to deploy targeted interventions and (change) methods. These will be smarter, more promising and above all human-centred.

(*) Dan Ariely (2008) "Predictably Irrational"

Organisations applying behavioural design improve their results by up to 25%!*

*McKinsey, 2017, "The Business Logic in Debiasing"


evidence-based& maximum impact


Our courses integrate the latest insights from neuroscience, cognitive psychology and behavioural sciences.


The methodologies we teach you are evidence-based. They are used by international thought leaders and leading organisations.


We guarantee brain-based learning. That is why our courses are geared towards experiential and interactive learning.


We ensure transfer of learned knowledge and skills to your daily practice. That is why you learn on the basis of concrete examples and apply your own cases.


We humans are fascinating. But we tend to overestimate ourselves. This tendency is called self-serving bias, a typical human thinking error we all fall victim to.

"Surely I don't need anybody explaining me how I think!" you might mumble. 

However, research points out that we think less rationally than we like to believe. 

Moreover, much of our thinking occurs unconsciously and we are continuously affected by our environment. 

As a result, our own thinking can actually stand in the way of making good decisions and acting effectively.

Knowing we all make thinking errors and are highly susceptible to our environments is one thing, but how does this bring us any further? 

Luckily science shows us that humans are systematically - and hence predictably - irrational in thinking and behaviour. Thus, you can learn to steer it in the right direction

In other words: it's possible to learn to think smarter, which allows you to make better choices and behave more effectively - achieving the desired results.