Our context is changing faster than ever before. As they say: "the only thing constant is change".
At the same time, the figures are stark: about 70% of all change projects fail. Framed differently: about 30% are successful. How do we ensure that our change trajectory is among these successful 30%?
The answer is, you can significantly increase the success rate of your change trajectory by using behavioural insights.
Because let's face it, change is hard! And so it is both predictable and normal for our brain to go into resistance. Luckily, when something is predictable, you can learn to anticipate it. That is what this course on "the psychology of change" can help you with.
Dan & Chip Heath use the metaphor of the Rider, the Elephant and the Path.*
By proceeding in this way, i.e. incorporating both rational as well as emotional thinking and by explicitly shaping the context, change managers can preserve our employees' willpower (which is finite). So that it can be used where it is needed most: in forming new habits for behaviour change.
* Heath & Heath “Switch. How to change things when change is hard”
Type: Possible as
1 day, in your organisation
2 half days (each 3 hours), via Zoom
max. 15 participants
Prefer to contact us by phone? No problem. Simply fill in your details below or call us at +32 494 75 10 62.
At the end of this training:
you will understand how our brain responds to change and how to take this into account
you will know the main pitfalls of change processes and how to avoid them
you will understand the SWITCH model for behaviour change and be able to apply it to your own cases
you will have developed an initial action plan to apply the SWITCH model in your own work context
How does our brain work? System-1 and system-2 thinking.
Why our brain often perceives change as a threat.
Change managers tend to:
put excessive focus on rational, analytical thinking of employees (system-2 thinking)
overly rely on motivation and willpower
neglect how change impacts on our brain and fail to adapt their methodology to take this into account
The metaphor of the Rider (rational thinking), the Elephant (emotional thinking) and the Path (context).
Direct the rider. What appears to be resistance is often instead a lack of clarity
Motivate the Elephant. What appears to be laziness is often instead exhaustion.
Shape the Path. What appears to be a problem of the person is often instead a problem of the situation.
We will work on your own cases, in small groups
Personal action plan: How will you translate what you have learned into your own practice?
"Very fun and interesting workshop! Clear explanation and a really nice trainer.
Sara Moors,Communication Manager, Uitmuntend Limburg
"A really useful workshop. What I liked most about it was that the workshop was tailor-made to fit our needs.
Because we were working on our own cases, I got to apply the new tools and techniques in a very hands-on way. I can now take these tools and insights back home with me."
Andrea Dohle,Communication Correspondent,
Enterprise Europe Network Germany
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