- Harvard Business Review
In the 1990s, Professor Amy Edmondson (Harvard Business School) made a bizarre observation. Her research indicated that the best-performing medical teams actually reported more errors than the worse-performing teams. A mystery!
What did further research reveal? The best-performing teams are psychologically safe: they are more open and allow employees to share mistakes without fear. It was not that high-performing teams make more mistakes, but rather that they dare to report them. (*)
In 2012, Google conducted a major research project (under the name Aristotle) to find out why some teams perform better in the workplace than others. The conclusion was clear: not only is psychological safety the most important factor in a team's success, it also underpins the other factors that cause success!(*)
The importance of psychological safety is clear. However, creating psychological safety takes effort and skill, but the effort pays off – especially in situations where expertise or collaboration matter to the quality of the work. (*)
In this training you will learn how to take concrete steps towards psychological safety.
(*) Amy Edmondson, "Building a psychologically safe workplace"
(*) https://rework.withgoogle.com/blog/five-keys-to-a-successful-google-team
(*) Amy Edmondson (2019) “The fearless organization”
Psychological safety is the most important characteristic of teams that perform well.
It improves:
Psychological safety allows a culture of learning to develop at work. Making mistakes are then simply a part of learning, as is receiving constructive feedback.
Type: Possible as
1 day, in your organisation
2 half days (each 3 hours), via Zoom
max. 15 participants
Prefer to contact us by phone? No problem. Simply fill in your details below or call us at +32 494 75 10 62.
After the training, you will be able to:
"Au nom de Veolia, je souhaite vous remercier de nous avoir invités à suivre la formation-test qui a absolument dépassé nos attentes. Les qualités pédagogiques et les connaissances de notre formatrice ainsi que le niveau des échanges au sein du groupe ont fait la différence.
Nous repartons avec beaucoup de clarification des sujets et beaucoup d'idées pour nos objectifs de formation et de sensibilisation interne."
à très bientôt,
Anne-Sophie PIERRE, Diversity Manager, Veolia
"I gained new insights that I can immediately apply in my job.
The trainer creates a safe atmosphere and a stimulating learning environment. She leaves room for interaction and asking questions. I enjoyed exchanging experiences with other participants."
Karine Robijn, HR & events, Umicore
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