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meetings that work

Design meetings that work.

increase the quality of your decision-making 

and the IQ of your organisation

1 day  I  Incompany Training or Virtual Learning Journey

Design meeting that work

The figures speak for themselves:

  • 20 to 30% of the project resources in organizations are lost as a result of cognitive bias (human thinking errors and our own blind spots for these);
  • Gross profit margins of companies that use behavioural economic insights are over 25% higher.

These numbers shoul not surprise you: human thinking and behaviour affects almost all processes in organisations.

Particularly in meetings our mental shortcuts and group dynamics can be detrimental, leading to wrong decisions of low-quality decisions

Frustrations of low-quality decisions

We all recognise the following frustrations, characterising meetings with low-quality decision-making: 

  • Decisions are watered down completely in order to achieve consensus.
  • The loudest voices are always the same and are also those being heard. While those with most relevant knowledge do not get a say.
  • Participants tend to leave everything as is, because they fear change or uncertainty.

The good news? It's possible to avoid all these frustrations, as they are the result of mental shortcuts and group dynamics, that often play in a work setting. You can learn to design meetings that avoid them. 


Type: Possible as

In-company training

1 day, in your organisation

In-company workhop

1 half day (3 hours), in your organisation

Virtual Learning Journey

1 half day (3 hours), via Zoom

max. 15 participants

Prefer to contact us by phone? No problem. Simply fill in your details below or call us at +32 494 75 10 62.


Your results

  • Insight into how pitfalls in our thinking and group effects undermine the quality of decision making.

  • You know how to exert a positive influence and how to counteract these pitfalls and group effects.
  • You can organise or chair meetings where the focus lies on inclusive and high-quality decision-making

  • You can use techniques to avoid group thinking and encourage dissenting opinions, without things becoming personal.


Block 1. The pitfalls of our thinking and how they lead to bad decisions

  • What are the most important mental shortcuts and cognitive biases that hinder inclusive and effective collaboration/meetings?
  • What are the most important mechanisms that play in group settings?
  • What role do these play in meetings and decision-making?


  • For instance:
    • Groupthink: too much focus on consensus, so that we no longer look at alternative options
    • Sunflower management: conforming to the viewpoint of the leader, ... 
    • Champion bias: seeing patterns where there are none, such that we evaluate a proposal by the person bringing it, rather than by the merits of the proposal.

Block 2: Organizing a meeting so that your organization makes inclusive and high-quality decisions

The choice of participants: Who to invite?

The preparation:

  • What kind of preparation do you ask from the participants?
  • Which techniques are most suitable to ensure meetings are based on data and facts?

Chairing the meeting:

  • Who do you give the floor to first?
  • Which mechanisms do you use to arrive at a well-founded and well-supported decision?

The follow-up:

  • What to do with dissenting opinions, once the decision has been made?
  • How to learn from mistakes? 


Good examples of scientific studies. I had a really positive feeling throughout. Els manages to maintain an open and warm atmosphere. A really interesting and fun workshop, tailored to the needs of the public."

Anonymous, People manager, Flemish government

"I gained new insights that I can immediately apply in my job. 

The trainer creates a safe atmosphere and a stimulating learning environment. She leaves room for interaction and asking questions. I enjoyed exchanging experiences with other participants."

Karine Robijn, HR & events, Umicore