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recruiting without bias

Recruiting without bias.

evidence-based techniques

to attracting the best talent

2 days  I  Incompany Training or Virtual Learning Journey

"What can we do

about bias?

A lot."

- Smithsonian (The Bias Inside Us)

Why should you attend?

Research shows that organizations with more cultural diversity (1):

  • obtain a higher return on equity;
  • deliver more innovative products and services;
  • make more intelligent business decisions.

Diversity pays off. Most organisations therefore intend to only take into account relevant competences in recruitment processes - and to select the best talent out there. So why is this to difficult to achieve?

Answer: it has to do with how our brain works. Unconsciously - and unintentionally! - our brain has a preference for what is familiar, for those similar to ourselves. Unconscious biases make it hard to choose diverse talent because we just don't recognise it as talent in the first place!

Because these biases are unconscious, information campaigns are not sufficient to change this behaviour in your organization.

You must therefore design the structures and processes in your organization in such a way that the space for implicit bias is minimized. By adjusting the context, you ensure that the right choice (the choice for the best talent) also becomes the easy choice. To achieve this you need to rely on behavioural insights and choice architecture. (2)

In this training you learn how to approach this in concrete terms in your organization.

(1) McKinsey, 2018, Delivering through Diversity

(2) Paradigm, 2019, Creating an Inclusive Hiring Process


Type: Possible as

In-company training

2 days, in your organisation

In-company training - essentials

1 day, in your organisation

max. 15 participants

Prefer to contact us by phone? No problem. Simply fill in your details below or call us at +32 494 75 10 62.


Your results

  • You have insight into the effects of human thinking errors on selection and promotion processes.
  • You understand your own behaviour and that of colleagues better.
  • You know the latest methods and techniques to counter implicit bias in your organization and understand why these techniques are effective.
  • You know what practical steps you can take to increase diversity in your organization and to choose the best talent.


1. Pitfalls of our thinking and their impact on recruitment

  • How does our brain work? System-1 and system-2 thinking.
  • The shortcuts in our brain. Which systematic thinking errors make it difficult for us to make smart decisions?
  • How does this impact recruitment?

2. Countering unconscious bias in your organisation

  • Implicit bias with yourself and in your organization. What are we talking about?
  • How implicit bias undermines diversity in your organization.
  • The importance of diversity in your team and organization: not only on an interpersonal level, but also in terms of productivity, decision-making skills and innovative capacities.

3. New methodologies for recruitment without bias

  • Which pitfalls in our thinking influence the process of recruitment and selection? We delve deeper into implicit bias.
  • Why do not you select the best candidates with an unstructured interview? You learn which methodologies to avoid because they leave a lot of room for unconscious stereotypes and bias.
  • How did leading international companies adjust their recruitment and selection processes based on behavioural insights? How do they minimize the effects of implicit bias?
  • How do you translate these insights into your own organization?

Using case studies and concrete tools, you will learn to minimise bias in the recruitment and selection process to attract the best talent.


“One of those rare workshops where I think 'I can actually do something with this!' Really happy about that.

It was eye-opening for me to see how stereotypical thinking doesn't only play during interviewing, but throughout the whole recruitment process. I will be more mindful of this from now on."

Laurens Van den Hurk, Recruiter, Brunel

“Thank you very much for yesterday's webinar. I loved it! Very clear, very structured and plenty of take-aways."

Audrey Froidbise, Recruitment Officer, Umicore