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autonomous motivation

Why invest in Autonomous Motivation?

Autonomously motivated employees feel more committed to their work and the organisation. They have a higher work morale, are more innovative and more willing to change.

Now that we are teleworking in large numbers, leveraging autonomous motivation is more important than ever. After all, micromanagement is not possible remotely! Now is the ideal time for managers and HR professionals to grow in how they motivate.

Underlying autonomous motivation are 3 universal psychological needs, summarised in "ABC": our need for Autonomy, Belonging and Competence. By acting on this ABC of its employees, an organisation grows from a context of "I have to" motivation and control to an environment of "I want to" motivation.

Investing in autonomously motivated employees pays off because it:

  • noticeably increases your organisation's results;

  • improves your employees' performance and reduces absenteeism;

  • reduces stress, tension complaints and the risk of burn-out;

  • leads to more loyalty and less turnover of talented people;

  • improves your organisation's image and reputation.

In this training you learn to use insight in brain and behaviour to draw up a motivating approach to leadership and HR.


Type: Possible as

In-company training or Virtual learning journey

1 day, in your organisation

max. 15 participants

Prefer to contact us by phone? No problem. Simply fill in your details below or call us at +32 494 75 10 62.



the ABC of autonomous motivation

1 day  I  Incompany Training or Virtual Learning Journey


  • You immediately translate your learnings into practice.

  • There is room for questions and feedback; you develop your personal action plan.

  • You discover the very latest scientifically based methods and techniques.

  • The techniques you learn have proven their effectiveness in leading companies and organizations.

Your results

After the training:

  • you can explain the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
  • you know when extrinsic motivation is sufficient and when you have to work on intrinsic motivation.
  • you know the latest methods and techniques to stimulate intrinsic motivation and you understand why these techniques are effective.
  • you know which steps you need to take to increase intrinsic motivation in your organization.


“Els her approach gives you insight into your own blind spots. Self-reflection is sometimes necessary to improve how we do things. Good mix of theory and practice."

Sibylle Demeyere, HR-manager, Motrac

"Two pleasant and very insightful days. I thoroughly enjoyed it!"

Eric Debacker, CEO, edeps