Our evidence-based training & consultancy applies behavioural insight to organisational design. Allowing you to implement solutions that are smarter, more promising and more human. Leading to better results.
Our themes: Leadership & culture I Change I Diversity, equity & inclusion I Talent & performance
Human behaviour is fascinating. Research shows that human thinking and behaviour isn’t as objective and rational as we’d like to believe. Most thinking occurs unconsciously. We are continuously influenced by our environment without realizing it. To make decisions in a complex environment, our brain makes use of mental shortcuts. Often these shortcuts serve us well, but they can also lead us astray.
In the words of Dan Ariely, we are "predictably irrational", prone to cognitive bias. Bias affects not only individuals, but also the processes in organisations. It negatively affects joint decision-making, change and collaboration.
Yet, organizations seldom account for this, resulting in a loss of resources up to 25%!
At Human Insight, we specialise in human behaviour. We show you in which situations bias will be present and we teach you to recognise these patterns. Once you are able to identify bias, you can deploy targeted interventions and (change) methods. These will be smarter, more promising and above all human-centred.
(*) Dan Ariely (2008) "Predictably Irrational"
*McKinsey, 2017, "The Business Logic in Debiasing"
"Thinking is to humans as swimming is to cats.
They can do it, but they'd prefer not to."
― Daniel Kahneman (author of "Thinking, fast and slow")
"Els possesses both a thorough theoretical expertise - she gave lots of references to scientific studies - as well as the pedagogical abilities to transfer that knowledge in an appealing way."
Karen Vandevelde, HR Director Universiteit Antwerpen
"These folks know how to deliver a great workshop. The day was completely tailored to our needs and very interactive. Highly recommended!"
Anne Starkie-Alves, European Commission, Brussels
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