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connecting communication


the power of connecting communication

2 dagen  I  Incompany Training

"One of Satya Nadella’s first acts after becoming CEO of Microsoft was to ask the company’s top executives to read Marshall Rosenberg’s "Nonviolent Communication", a treatise on empathic collaboration."

- FastCompany.com

Why should you attend?

How can you stand up for yourself in a connecting way? Communicate clearly and say what's on your mind while respecting others? Connective communication at work is the key to resolving conflicts faster, avoiding stress and strengthening your relationships with others.

Connection is the building block of any collaboration. In a business environment, teams and organisations work better together when there is sufficient mutual connection, and ultimately this brings more efficiency, effectiveness, as well as satisfaction. A connecting communication training promotes this mutual connection, thus leading to noticeably better relationships with colleagues and customers.

Because we mostly communicate on 'automatic pilot', things regularly go wrong. Some of the main stress factors at work stem from frustrations or difficult interactions with colleagues and customers. Many employees are involved in interpersonal conflicts with their colleagues, causing higher stress and less resilience. (Research by Wacker & Dziobek, 2018).

Much of this stress can be avoided by adopting an understanding and connecting style of communication.

So radical is Connecting Communication which is founded on the ideas of American clinical psychologist Marshall B. Rosenberg (1934-2015).


Type: Possible as

Incompany training

2 days, in your organisation

max. 15 participants

Prefer to contact us by phone? No problem. Simply fill in your details below or call us at +32 494 75 10 62.



  • Our trainers do not give training, they live Connecting Communication and continue to retrain and deepen themselves in this body of thought annually, as expected from the international Center for Nonviolent Communication.

  • The techniques you learn have proven effective in leading companies and organisations.

At the end of this training:

  • Have insight into the extent to which you colour reality, acknowledge (hurrah) or ignore (aouch) your feelings and needs.

  • You practise techniques to work towards solutions from a shared understanding.

  • You are able to apply the four steps of Connecting Communication to take your first steps towards nurturing and mutual cooperation.

  • You understand the influence of our brain and gain more acceptance of your 'automatic' reflexes.

  • You learn techniques to insert "time" between action and reaction and thus stay out of conflict, stress and negativity.


Block 1: Perception

  • The triune brain: from abstract thinking to survival response (and back).
  • How do stimuli enter and where does your ownership lie?

Block 2: Feelings & Needs

  • The basics of empathy and its importance in moving towards pure communication.
  • Vulnerability in the work environment? Is that even possible?

Block 3: Requests

  • With mutually conflicting interests, how do you still achieve fruitful cooperation?
  • Demands or Requests...and what about efficiency in the working environment?

Block 4: Quasi-feelings and Quasi-needs

  • How to get past the idea that you are dependent on the other person to fulfil your goals.
  • Beyond should and may and towards want!


"I thoroughly enjoyed Peter and the Introduction to Connecting Communication training. His drive, energy, creativity and the empathy with which he conveys the information clearly and distinctly have fully recharged my batteries."

Liesbeth F